1. French kiss. Expresses passion. Sometimes it is found in couples with solid experience who have managed to maintain seething feelings2. A quick kiss. With closed lips - used in public (most often by couples who have been together for a long time and have moved to a new level of relationship and understanding).
3. A kiss on the cheek. Reminds of mutual concern.
4. Blowing kisses indicate that a couple loves to flirt and cannot live without adventure and fun.
5. Lock kiss. It occurs when both really need to go, but the lovers cannot tear themselves away from each other.
6. Angelic kiss is a kiss on the eyelids when one of the lovers is sleeping. Speaks of sincerity and reliability.
7. Kiss on the nose - indicates humor and fun in a couple. Quite good at defusing a quarrel.
8. A kiss on the forehead expresses concern and devotion.
9. A kiss on the ear (a very sensitive part of the body) is designed to cheer and amuse. Indicates a craving for new impressions of life, take note.
10. The earlobe is kissed when the relationship is full of passion. This is one of the most intimate and romantic subspecies.
11. The kiss of the hand is an ancient gesture of respect or admiration. According to some rules, a man must be older than the woman who kisses the hand.
12. On the neck they like to kiss open and passionate natures, who have their own opinion on everything.
13. Sucking - a kind of "note" that the partner is busy. Is this a sign of a jealous person? Or the partner is worried that something is wrong in the relationship.
14. A kiss with active use of only one lip is characteristic of couples with strong relationships when partners like to spend time together. It is often found in couples with great experience who know almost everything about each other.
15. Eskimo kiss - an expression of a strong relationship.
16. Bite of the lower lip is practiced by temperamental people.
17. "Vacuum" kiss is found in those for whom physical contact is really important.
18. Well, the golden mean - a kiss with bodily contact. And not too indecent, and not too humble, and also a sign of understanding. In general, what you need