
Wednesday, March 21, 2018

"Real Friends of Girls" - Diamonds

"Real Friends of Girls" - Diamonds

Best friends of girls.

There are things in this world that millions of people dream about. Not the last place in this list is occupied by diamonds. These magnificent stones for centuries have been a symbol of well-being and a way of expressing special feelings. In our review, little-known facts about these precious stones. 

The largest diamond

Diamond star Lucy.
  Diamond star Lucy

The largest diamond was found in the constellation Centauri at a distance of 50 light years from Earth. The diamond star was called "Lucy" (a reference to the Beatles song "Lucy in the Heavens with Diamonds." The size of the "pebble" is 10 billion trillion trillion carats. 

Diamonds in river beds

The Indian fortress of Golconda.
      The Indian fortress of Golconda

Diamonds were first discovered in the riverbeds in the area of ​​the ancient Indian fortress of Golconda over 4000 years ago. After the production of diamonds in India declined, these precious stones were found in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. 

Diamonds are not uncommon

A collapsing star forms a giant crystal.
A collapsing star forms a giant crystal.

Diamonds are not uncommon. They are expensive solely because they enter the market in a very limited amount. Diamonds are found in large numbers even outside our planet, a collapsing star can form a giant crystal. 

Diamonds from the ashes


Scientists have recently been able to create artificial diamonds from the ashes of dead cremated animals. This process was called LifeGem. 

Peanut Butter

High pressure and temperature.
High pressure and temperature.

Real diamonds can be made even from peanut butter. However, their creation requires sophisticated scientific equipment (since high pressure and very high temperature are needed). 

Rain from diamonds

Rain from diamonds.
Rain from diamonds.

On Jupiter and Saturn, rains sometimes come from diamonds.

Diamonds and coal

Diamonds and coal consist of the same element: carbon. They have different crystal structures. 

A cup of diamonds

The diamond mining industry is under strict control.
The diamond mining industry is under strict control.

Now there are enough diamonds for each person to fill them in a full cup. But the diamond mining industry is under very strict control. 

Age from 1 to 3 billion years

Diamonds were formed at a temperature of 900-1300 degrees Celsius.
Diamonds were formed at a temperature of 900-1300 degrees Celsius. 

Scratch the diamond - can only diamond

Diamonds are a very hard natural substance.
Diamonds are a very hard natural substance.

Diamonds are a very hard natural substance. The only thing that can scratch a diamond is another diamond. 

Hindus put diamonds in the eye

A diamond can protect the owner from danger.
A diamond can protect the owner from danger.

Ancient Hindus put diamonds in the eyes of religious statues, and also believed that a diamond can protect its owner from danger. 

 Artificial diamonds

Artificial diamonds are completely identical to natural diamonds.

Artificial diamonds are completely identical to natural diamonds.

The artificial diamonds created in laboratories have identical chemical structure and physical properties, as well as diamonds extracted from the earth. Even specialists can not determine the difference between them without special equipment and careful testing. 
Jewelry with diamonds has always been a gift for men

A sign of gaining strength, invincibility and courage.

A sign of gaining strength, invincibility and courage.

Diamonds were worn in ancient times as amulets for gaining strength, invincibility and courage. Jewelry with diamonds has always been a wonderful gift for both men and women.

Botswana, Russia, Canada

The main buyer of high-quality diamonds is the USA.
The main buyer of high-quality diamonds is the USA.

The three leading diamond producers in the world are Botswana (24 million carats), Russia (17.8 million carats) and Canada (10.9 million carats). The main buyer of high-quality diamonds is the USA (40%). 

Brown, blue, green, orange, red, pink, black

The color of the diamond is usually pale yellow.
The color of the diamond is usually pale yellow.

The color of the diamond is usually pale yellow or colorless, but brown, blue, green, orange, red, pink and black diamonds are also found. 


Undefeated or indestructible.
Undefeated or indestructible.

The word diamond comes from the Greek word adamas, which means invincible or indestructible. 

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